Gecko MMS appointed to DIBP Handyman Panel
1 April 2017

Gecko MMS is pleased to announce our reappointment to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s Handyman Panel, for another 3-year term.
Building on our existing relationship with the Department, Gecko MMS was successful in tendering for the nationwide scope. Our PostCode system was a significant advantage, allowing Gecko MMS to service every major city and most regional centres through over 8,500 small businesses.
The Gecko MMS service model both empowers small business and provides a single point of contact for superior customer service and accredited quality control. With the appropriate security clearances in place and our network of preferred service agents, Gecko MMS is developing a strong core competency in servicing panels and ad-hoc Government department work.
As the company who make themselves available anywhere, anytime, and for any size job, Gecko MMS is willing to help your business when it comes to facilities and asset management today. Get in touch to find out more.