PostCode License – our first sale!
1 April 2016

Gecko MMS is pleased to announce the first licence sale for PostCode to GMS2 Pty Ltd.
PostCode is a fully integrated in house developed and maintained service management application. It is used to manage all levels of interaction between clients, and suppliers.
The strength and flexibility of our IT platform, being specifically built and developed by Gecko MMS for our business and industry, its tailor-ability, by Gecko MMS’ own in house IT specialist, meaning that changes can and are made with minimal delay or disruption.
Current capabilities are:
- Client / Customer Portal;
- Client and Customer Management;
- Document Management System;
- Gateway Employee WHS;
- Integration with Accounting System (s);
- Invoicing Management;
- Mapping Locator;
- Quote Management System;
- Service Agent (Contractor) Management;
- Site Inspection Management;
- Tasks Scheduling / Reminder System; and
- Work Order / Work Flow Management.
Gecko MMS has also launched an App of our robust, intuitive and tailor-able Inspection Platform, and this also available via a licence agreement.
For further information relating to PostCode and how it can assist your business in the effective and efficient management of all things property maintenance and project based, please email our Managing Director –