Project Management Services
As well as providing facilities and asset management at all stages of the asset life cycle, Gecko MMS provides project management services to make facilities and asset management simpler.
Particularly in large organisations, Gecko’s project management service facilitates one point of contact for all operations, simplifying the project’s structure. We manage your interests at every step of the project process, while providing streamlined reporting and management.
We have worked on several remarkable, nationwide projects that required a high level of coordination with several trades and service agents. These include:
End of commercial lease ‘make good’
Gecko has coordinated end-of-lease make good services for several large government organisations, including Centrelink, Medicare, the Department of Human Services, the Australian Federal Police, the Department of Social Services, and the Fair Work Ombudsman.
Office fit-outs and relocation assistance
When large corporations or departments move commercial premises, precise project management is needed to ensure a smooth transition with minimal disruption. Gecko MMS has assisted the Department of Immigration & Border Protection, Medicare, Centrelink, the Department of Human Services, the Australian Federal Police and the Fair Work Ombudsman in corporate office relocation.
Corporate rebranding programs
Corporate rebranding, particularly with a tight timeline, has been an area of excellence for Gecko MMS. Our service agent network and dedicated personnel have executed a nationwide signage rebranding project in just one night for the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, as well as Fonterra Australia and the Department of Human Services.
Disaster preparation and recovery coordination
Cleaning up after a natural disaster is certainly an exercise in project management, and our Queensland background has meant that we have participated in many disaster recoveries, including repairing and rectification of damages to client assets after Cyclones Larry, Yasi, Marcia and Debbie, as well as floods, fires, power outages and storms.
Nationwide general condition audits and resulting site upgrades
For corporations or government organisations with a nationwide footprint, it can be hard to manage each individual site, and even harder to ensure that a consistent standard is achieved across multiple sites and locations. Gecko MMS has executed several Australia-wide condition audits and building inspections for clients such as the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Fonterra, Centrelink and Medicare, along with the follow-up compliance works to maintain and improve facilities and assets.
Gecko MMS are able to consult on your next asset management initiative – contact us today to find out how our unique approach to maintenance can get the job done.